Tuesday 7 February 2012

07-02- 2012…A day of botany & zoology… Andrew

Today was the eleventh day in South Africa and a day of rest! We went to a place called the ‘Botanical Garden’ (it is a place where there are thousands of species of plants, (literally thousands) and scenic views of water falls and rivers).The day started of quite cool, well cool in our terms, we took a thin jumper there. It round about 25’c so back home it would be called roasting, but to make it feel slightly cooler there was a cold wind and in the night it rained relatively heavy so it was humid.
         We left at about 11 O’clock because Sam and Mom wanted to go so I had to go with them. Once we arrived, we found the sun was now blazing at around 30 – 40 degrees c and we hadn’t bought any sun cream with us, so we had to do without it for the time. It turned out to be quite interesting in the end. At the beginning I spotted a multicoloured insect which the park said had only been in the park for the last three months., We spotted some strange plants like a Fig tree where the fruits grow on the bark and trunk, and because we came in their summer everything was lush and green, there had also been a flood lately so the waterfalls were thunderous and powerful. Because we were hot me and my brother went over onto the grass and waited… and then we were soaked with water from the huge sprinklers. We came back dry though because the heat had dried our soggy cloths.
         We had our tea and then watched a film and Sam played with the Lego before I slumped into bed as tired as a sloth.   

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