Friday 10 February 2012

09/02/12…Another day at Mercy Air… Andrew…

Hi guys, you may or may not know what Mercy Air is, so Mercy Air is a small place where there is a kind of small airport and also where all the pilots live. So let’s find out what I did today; it was a hot night the last night so I didn’t get much sleep and consequently I woke up late. We had late breakfast and then we had a walk around the site. Afterwards we went shopping to the mall (when I came out a shop crouched up in a corner was a man with a bullet-proof vest on with a grenade launcher in his hands. We tried not to just stand there with our mouths open.
          We then had lunch and all that malarkey until night when we saw thunder and lightning round about 4 miles away, we waited there looking at the site. It wasn’t ordinary lightning either; it was crackling down with speed. As we were walking away, we spotted flashing lights in the grass, they were either fireflies or glow-worms but we were drawn away by the lights; as I am writing this thunder is bellowing down at us with super heavy rain and blinding lightning. Hope we can sleep tonight with this racket!
          Andrew, signing out.
P.S After I wrote this we went outside onto the veranda to watch this surprising scene. The storm passed close to us and we heard the thunder crackling down. It was stunning. We also had a short power cut !   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam & Andrew,

    We're really enjoying all your updates. It sounds like you're having lots of exciting adventures out there. We hope you managed to get some sleep last night and that the thunder didn't keep you awake.
